


If you are looking for current timetables please visit the following websites of our participating public transport companies.

You have your desired destination already in mind? Use the information box to your right and all the specific connections including changing options will be shown.

Logo HVB

Harzer Verkehrsbetriebe GmbH - for bus services in the regions of Wernigerode, Quedlinburg and Halberstadt

Logo HVG

Halberstädter Verkehrs-GmbH - for tram services in Halberstadt

Logo VGS

Verkehrsgesellschaft Südharz mbH - for bus services (lines 423 (relation Wippra-Harzgerode, 450, 453, 460 (relation Sangerhausen-Wippra) in the region of Stolberg, Mansfeld-Südharz District